Check out our clubs below!

  • Battle of the Books

    Battle of the books is open to a team of no more than 12 committed and highly motivated 4th and 5th graders. Each student is required to thoroughly read all 15 books and to know the author and title of each book. When students try out in early October, they must know the title and author of each book on the list and must have read at least six books on the Battle of the Books list. The team will compete in an all-county competition where students will answer questions in front of a panel of judges in March of 2024. Expectations for team membership include no behavioral issues, good attendance, cooperation, participation, and team collaboration.

    Contact information to be provided soon.

  • Chess Club

    We welcome 1st – 5th graders of any level to chess club! By the end of this semester, children will know all the basic rules of chess, including all the rules for en passant, promotion, and castling. More advanced students will learn about endgame techniques, opening theory, and practice lots of tactics. Everyone will learn new strategies, improve sportspersonship, study Grandmasters games, and play lots of chess! You can always improve and have fun! Taught by author, former #1 woman chess player in NC, and professional chess instructor Jessica Martin.

    We meet on Tuesdays, from 2:10 - 3:15pm, starting January 21 - April 15. Cost is $325 for the semester.

    Registration Link

    Over The Chess Board Website

    Please contact Jessica at with any questions.

  • Girls on the Run

    Spring 2025 Details to Come Soon!

    Coddle Creek Elementary’s Girls on the Run Club IS BACK! Twice per week for 10 weeks, girls will have fun, make friends, increase their physical activity levels and learn important life skills. Trained and caring coaches lead 3rd-5th grade girls through interactive lessons and movement activities. The season ends with a celebratory 5k event.

    The Girls on the Run Spring season details will come soon. Practice will be located at Coddle Creek Elementary on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:30-3:45pm.